Looking at the poly-A tails of human RNA

FASTA file used

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]:
from itertools import groupby

def rna_adenylation(path):
    items = []
    for (header, seq) in fasta_iter(path):
        index = -1
        while(seq[index] == 'a'):
            index = index - 1
        a_tail_len = index * -1 - 1
        items.append((header, [len(seq), a_tail_len]))
    return pd.DataFrame.from_items(items, orient="index", columns=['rna_len', 'a_tail_len'])

# https://www.biostars.org/p/710/
def fasta_iter(fasta_name):
    given a fasta file. yield tuples of header, sequence
    fh = open(fasta_name)
    # ditch the boolean (x[0]) and just keep the header or sequence since
    # we know they alternate.
    faiter = (x[1] for x in groupby(fh, lambda line: line[0] == ">"))
    for header in faiter:
        # drop the ">"
        header = header.next()[1:].strip()
        # join all sequence lines to one.
        seq = "".join(s.strip() for s in faiter.next())
        yield header, seq

In [3]:
df = rna_adenylation("data/mrna.fa")

rna_len a_tail_len
AF001540 1 1781 23
AF001541 1 1138 0
AF001542 1 2992 0
AF001543 1 903 0
AF001544 1 434 0
AF001545 1 370 38
AF001546 1 1142 0
AF001547 1 1092 0
AF034176 1 7232 1
AF038950 1 2384 30

In [4]:

rna_len a_tail_len
count 2.683747e+06 2.683747e+06
mean 2.054898e+02 1.215645e+00
std 6.991804e+02 5.291671e+00
min 2.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
25% 1.900000e+01 0.000000e+00
50% 1.900000e+01 0.000000e+00
75% 3.200000e+01 1.000000e+00
max 2.050120e+05 2.160000e+02

In [9]:
%matplotlib notebook

masks = [(df.a_tail_len <= 3),
         (df.a_tail_len > 3) & (df.a_tail_len <= 50),
         (df.a_tail_len > 50) & (df.a_tail_len <= 100),
         (df.a_tail_len > 100) & (df.a_tail_len <= 150),
         (df.a_tail_len > 150)]

for idx, mask in enumerate(masks):
    plt.subplot(len(masks), 1, idx+1)
    df[mask]["a_tail_len"].plot.hist(bins=50, alpha=0.5, color='k')

Most of the RNA didn't have poly-A tails

In [6]:
df[(df.a_tail_len == 0)].describe()

rna_len a_tail_len
count 1.592318e+06 1592318.0
mean 1.944552e+02 0.0
std 6.548029e+02 0.0
min 2.000000e+00 0.0
25% 1.900000e+01 0.0
50% 1.900000e+01 0.0
75% 3.200000e+01 0.0
max 7.447400e+04 0.0

In [7]:
%matplotlib notebook
# Remove a few outliers and put them into a table instead
df[(df.rna_len < 20000)].plot.scatter(x='rna_len', y='a_tail_len', figsize=(12,9))

In [8]:
# The outliers
df[(df.rna_len >= 20000)]

rna_len a_tail_len
HW531608 1 26993 0
CS329402 1 49020 0
JB406675 1 28803 0
JB406694 1 74474 0
JB406696 1 39731 2
FW339979 1 20881 12
AB537889 1 21055 7
AF357236 1 20478 1
AF361486 3 21112 37
AF414442 2 66765 15
AF435011 1 21794 18
AF495910 1 27652 0
AF495911 1 21779 18
AF535142 1 27435 0
AJ002535 1 20435 0
GQ497714 1 54690 0
GQ859162 1 22743 4
HM801842 1 25332 16
JX088243 1 205012 2
X83957 1 20881 12
X90568 1 81940 10
X90569 1 23887 0